
Our approach

A diverse, respectful, and inclusive work environment is critical to unlocking the full potential of our global workforce, driving collaboration and innovation, and understanding the unique needs of our customers. Nouryon supports its inclusive culture through its商业守则&道德,员工每年都会审查和承认。我们还要求所有员工完成尊重的工作场所培训。此外,由于I&D是基于员工的需求,因此我们的许多计划都是员工领导的。


治理|吸引,保留和发展人才|Business Resource Groups and initiatives|社区参与


  • 36% diversity represented on ourBoard of Directorsin 2021
  • 24% of中层经理和above are female.
  • Four Business Resource Groups – Nouryon Women’s Network, Pride, Veterans, and Boost (for junior employees)
  • 建立的全球指导计划。
  • 建立了全球I&D网络,拥有来自35个诺伊恩地点的50名代表,以本地化和激活I&D计划。

I&D Progress

We believe a workforce that includes diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives is critical to our success and to anticipate and meet the needs of our global customers. In 2021, we continued to make progress.

In 2021, we established an extensive assessment process to ensure that we have accurate workforce demographic data. This will allow us to track our progress, recognize areas of improvement, identify areas of opportunity at all levels of our organization, and develop action plans. As a result, we are focusing on the following areas:

  • Greater representation of women and racially/ethnically diverse employees in middle management and senior leadership
  • Inclusive hiring and interviewing practices
  • 继续通过包容性领导和I&D计划来建立高性能的文化

We will also use this data to help review all aspects of our employee life cycle to ensure that our hiring, engagement, rewards, and promotion processes reflect the profile and needs of our diverse workforce. To hold ourselves accountable and assess diversity of all levels of our organization, we measure and track our progress through data collection and analysis.

Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how we work?

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Business Resource Groups and initiatives


BRGs are open to all employees, whether they identify with the specific group or consider themselves allies. Our largest BRG, the Nouryon Women Network, has more than 400 active members. Employee initiatives are organized around certain dates or events (e.g., International Women’s day, Pride, etc.). Our current BRGs include:

  • Nouryon Women’s Network
  • 诺扬退伍军人网络(美国)
  • Nouryon Pride网络(适用于LGBTQ+员工和盟友)
  • BOOST (young professionals and those new to Nouryon).




努利翁的包容性和多样性既是自下而上又是自上而下的计划。我们所有人都负责维护包容性的工作环境,以及我们的许多计划和想法源于员工。在执行层,I&D由萨曼莎·德雷林格(Samantha Dreilinger), our Chief Compliance Officer and Vice President of Inclusion & Diversity. She works with our senior executives on our I&D initiatives.

for employee ideas, suggestions, and concerns. In addition, they take an active role in promoting the Business Resource Groups (BRGs) operating at Nouryon.


CSR - A fundamental element of our ‘Commitment and contribution to a Sustainable Future


Our framework