June 2021

Introducing efficient purification strategy for pharmaceuticals used for type 2 diabetes

随着世界各地被诊断出患有糖尿病的人数增加,对适当治疗的需求也在增加。同时,生产2型糖尿病药物的许多物质在有效的方式和需要批准的水平以安全使用的水平上纯化。这是诺扬的高性能克罗马西尔®chromatography solutions now support the pharmaceutical industry.

“通过我们有效的净化策略,与三到四个步骤相比,只有两步,就可以达到监管部门批准所需的99.5%的纯度,这在当今行业中通常是这种情况。这转化为我们的客户的效率和生产力大大提高。” Nouryon无机专业副总裁Patrick Wilhelm说。

The new purification toolbox for GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) agonists, such as liraglutide, enables solutions that are tailor-made to the different conditions in our customers’ production processes and includes procedures that greatly improve the Kromasil®media lifetime by increasing the number of purification cycles that can be carried out. This enables our customers to significantly reduce the time needed to optimize their purification process and, as a result, allows a more efficient process.

“Type 2 diabetes patients rely on their medicine every day and, in many cases, it’s a lifelong treatment. We are proud to be able to provide our pharmaceutical customers with solutions that contribute to the promotion of well-being to ensure healthy lives,” said Wilhelm.

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